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So Much To Do, So Little Time

I don't know about you, but all the things I WANT to do every day can be so overwhelming. There's just not enough hours in a day to focus on eating right, exercise, meditation, bible study, staying on top of goals, affirmations and gratitude journals. This is on top of caring for the people we love, meal prep, house/yard work, working, staying caught up on social media and hopefully having a little time for our hobby or extra curricular activities. If sleep weren't a necessity we might get it all done, but if you're anything like me, I require the full eight hours.

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~ George Bernard Shaw

They have developed a ton of apps to help us with this problem and some of them are wonderful. If you use these apps, that's great, I'm glad they work for you. I have tried them, downloaded several different ones with every intention of continuing; but I don't. I need something more personal and I found writing on paper just feels more meaningful to me. I find the worksheets or journal pages online and put together a workbook that is exactly what I want to focus on. I can then pull out the workbook, fill out/read each section and I can be done with that task for the day or that time of day. These are the worksheets I chose, that work best for me. Maybe they will work for you too!

  1. Week at a Glance Worksheet given to us from Secret Owl Society. I picked this weekly planner, from the million available options, because I love all the information you can put on one piece of paper for a whole week. I can reinforce some of my goals, track my habits, see appointments, make a to do list, and summarize the week when it's over.

  2. Goals Worksheet I found this worksheet at Let's Get Together. They're really are a lot of options, some beautiful ones too. I tried a few before I settled on this one. You can't beat everything on one piece of paper for the entire year! Minimal is best, you will always hear that from me. I don't use the daily goals section on this personally, I use the Week at a Glance sheet for that. I guess that's how this one is only one piece of paper for me.

  3. Thought Monitoring Worksheet this is the same worksheet from my blog the Self-Mastery Workbook in the self-talk section. Continuing this worksheet daily or weekly is an individual preference. We might not all being working on this, but I'm very happy to add this section. I have negative self-talk I'm trying to change to positive.

  4. Gratitude Journal found at The Petite Planner If you need some topic ideas for your gratefulness they have a Gratitude Prompts printout also. Teaching myself to be more thankful and grateful puts the important things in my life in perspective.

  5. Affirmations Journal in this section I use the Focus Wheels and Positive Vibe Re-Patterning Worksheets from my Self-Mastery Workbook blog, in the life's purpose section. Everyone is different when it comes to affirmations, you can read, meditate, pray or re-write them. Writing them on journal or notebook paper helps me focus and my brain remember.

  6. Daily Devotional I found at The Frugal Farm Girl. There are also 15 options available at Happier Human if you'd like some options. And to keep track of your work you might like the Bible Reading Checklist available at Positively Driven Christian.

  7. Food & Water Journal made by Paula's Healthy Living

  8. Exercise & Fitness Tracker found this at The Housewife Modern. This is my favorite one because you can fit the entire month onto one sheet!

  9. Self-Mastery Workbook I keep mine at the back of this binder for easy reference and to review occasionally. Check out the freebies for this workbook if you haven't yet!

  10. Extra Fun Pages I also found for you. Keep track of the movies you watch with this printable Movies I've Watched found at College Life Made Easy or this Books I Want to Read from Starts at Eight

I found one workbook journal helped me so much in organizing all of these tasks into one zone. It's so easy to pull out one book and go section by section on each area that is important to me. I hope it's as easy for you! A huge Thank You to each and every one of these sites for letting us use these worksheets to enhance our experiences. We appreciate you! If you have any question or comments, please let me know. God bless!


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